Operating Systems
BLOCK 1 Introduction to Operating Systems,Process Management
Unit 1 Operating System-An Overview
Unit 2 Processes
Unit 3: Interprocess Communication and Synchronization
Unit 4: Deadlocks
BLOCK 2: Memory Management, File Management and Security
Unit 1: Memory Management
Unit 2: Virtual Memory
Unit 3: I/O and File Management
Unit 4: Security and Protection
BLOCK 3:Advanced Topics and Case Studies
Unit 1: Multiprocessor Systems
Unit 2: Distributed Operating Systems
Unit 3:Case Study - UNIX
Unit 4: Case Study – WINDOWS 2000
Data Communication and Networks
BLOCK 1: Introduction to Data Communication and Computer Network Concepts
Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Networks
Unit 2: Data Transmission
Unit 3: Data Encoding & Communication Technique
Unit 4: Multiplexing and Switching
BLOCK 2 Media Access Control and Data Link Layer
Unit 1: Data Link Layer Fundamentals
Unit 2: Retransmission Strategies
Unit 3: Contention-based Media Access Protocols
Unit 4: Polling-based Media Access Control Protocols
Unit 5: Media Access Control Protocols For High Speed Networks
BLOCK 3:Network Layer
Unit 1: ntroduction to Layer Functionality and Design Issues
Unit 2: Routing Algorithms
Unit 3: Congestion Control Algorithms
Unit 4: Internetworking & Network Layer in the Internet
BLOCK 4:Transport Layer and Application Layer Services
MCS 043: Advanced Database Management Systems
BLOCK 1: Database Design and Implementation
Unit 1: Relational Database Design
Unit 2: Database implementation and Tools
Unit 3: Advanced SQL
Unit 4: Database System Catalog
BLOCK 2: DBMS Advanced Features and Distributed Database
Unit 1: Query Processing and Evaluation
Unit 2: Transaction Management and Recovery
Unit 3: Database Security and Authorization
Unit 4: Distributed Databases
Unit 1: Object Oriented Database
Unit 2: Database and XML
Unit 3: Introduction to data warehousing
Unit 4: Introduction to Data Mining
BLOCK 4: Emerging Trends and Example DBMS Architectures
Unit 1: Emerging Database Models, Technologies and Applications I
Unit 2: Emerging Database Models, Technologies and Applications II
Unit 3: PostgreSQL
Unit 4: Oracle
MCSP- 044: Mini Project