British Industry Overseas Scholarship

 These Scholarships are offered to those who are residing in India and working Public Sector Undertakings/Organizations/Firms, particularly who have collaborative agreement with U.K.firms, for award of scholarships, for practical experience in the following subject-fields: Energy and Environment management, and power system engineering including Generation, Transmission and Distribution practices.
 Two Scholarships are offered to Indian nationals residing in India Subject/Fields of Study: Fine Arts Greek Language.
 Eligibility:Age:23 years (25 years for Sc/ST ), may be relaxed up to 3 months in case of deserving candidates, for subjects at (b) below 35 years. Qualification: a) Fine Arts 5 year’s national diploma/Degree in Fine Arts. Preference is given to master’s degree holders.b) Greek Language Bachelor’s degree in Greek Language Also: Adequate knowledge of Greek, English/French and Geography, Culture and Heritage of India and Greece. 3/5 years consecutive stay in India after return from abroad for study/training Ph.D degree holders are not eligible.
 Value: for subjects at (a) above Allowance of 45, 000 Drachams p.m. (Approx US$ 280) for PG students; initial settlement allowance of 10,000 Drachmas (Approx US$ 63) for University of Athens and 20,000 Drachams (Approx US $ 125) for university outside Athens; 10,000 Drachams for trace in the country if required for their research work; free tuition and medical care.
Note: Important General Conditions and contact address are same as mentioned on pages 35-37 respectively.

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