Distance B.Ed Madurai Kamaraj University

Applications have been invited by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, for admission to the Distance B.Ed Programme of Academic Year 2011-13.

In-service teachers with 2 years full-time teaching experience in a Primary/ Secondary/ Higher Secondary/ Matriculation/ CBSE Schools in Tamil Nadu recognized by State or Central Government with following educational qualification are eligible to apply:

UG Degree in any of the following subjects (Under 10+2+3 or 11+1+3 pattern of study) -
Tamil, English, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Geo-Physics, Bio-Physics, Electronics, Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Botany, Environmental Science, Bio-Technology, Plant-Biology, Zoology, Micro-Biology, History, Geography, Applied Geography, Home Science, Political Science, Public Administration, Economics and Commerce.

Applications can be obtained from the Madurai Kamaraj University, Directorate of Distance Education Admission centers at 1. Chennai, 2.Nagercoil, 3. Tirunelveli 4. Coimbatore, 5. Madurai, 6. Trichy , 7. Tirumangalam and 8. Palkalainagar, on payment of Rs.500/- through Demand Draft, drawn in favour of "The Director, DDE, MKU", payable at Madurai with effect from 31-01-2011. The cost of application form by post is Rs.550/-.

Completed forms are to reach "The Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625021on or before 07-03-2011.

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