Foreign Language study in JNU

M.Phil./Ph.D. in French, German, Arabic, Russian, Persian, Chinese, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Hindi Translation, English, Linguistics, Japanese and Spanish
M.Phil. in Portuguese
M.A. in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Linguistics, Persian, Russian, Spanish and Urdu
B.A (Hons) in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Russian and Spanish (with entry points to both 1st and 2nd Year)
There will different type of categories of admissions as mentioned below
Category-A includes courses for which Admission is through Entrance Examination. Category-B has Ph.D. Programmes having direct admissions. Category-C relates to admission of JRF holders to M.Phil/Ph.D and Pre-Ph.D/Ph.D programme in Science Schools.
For each categories there are different type of application forms.
Application form and Prospectus will be available by post from the following address
‘Section Officer (Admissions), Room No. 28,
Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067’,

by sending a Crossed Bank Draft (valid for six months) for Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of ‘Jawaharlal Nehru University’, payable at New Delhi, along with a self-addressed (unstamped) envelope of minimum size of 30 cms X 25 cms, clearly indicating the Category for which the Application Form is required on the self-addressed envelope. Those seeking Application Form and Prospectus from Nepal are required to send a Bank Draft of Indian Rs.400/- or equivalent in US Dollars.

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