The Associate Member of Institute of Engineers (AMIE) is not offered by any colleges. It is being offered by a professional society known as the Institute of Engineers (India). The AMIE is recognised as equivalent to BE/B.Tech degree awarded by universities. It is also recognised by several authorities such as the Union Public Service Commission and the Ministry of Education as equivalent to the corresponding university degrees in the concerned subjects for purposes of recruitment to superior posts and services in governm e n t s. The institute cond u c t s t h re e examinations; (i) Section A ( N o n D i p l o m a S t re a m ) examination, (ii) Section A (Diploma Stream) examination and (iii) Section B examination. A pre-requisite for appearing in the examination is enrolment as a member (generally called student member) of the institute. On passing Section A and B examinations and fulfilling other requirements, the candidate is admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers