Scholarships are offered to Indian nationals residing in India; for postgraduate studies in the following subject-fields:
I) Arabic ii) Shariat Law iii) Islamic Theology (Islamic Dawa) (iv) Arabic and Islamic studies (v) Language (vi) Faculty of Language and Interpretation English Section (vii) Same faculties for girls (viii) Faculty of Education-Section of Arabic languages and Islamic religion.
Qualifications: Bachelor degree in the relevant subject with marks at least 60% Age: Up to 33 years on 1st October (relaxable up to 2 years in the case of Sc/ST).
Value: The scholarship consists of monthly allowance of LE 110 (including accommodation) out of which 40 LE are deducted for University hostel charge. Hostel facilities are only available for boys. Preparation allowance of LE 60 and Books allowance of LE 25 to be paid once upon arrical.The equivalent of month allowance to be paid at the end of the studies.
Passage Cost: The return ticket is provided by Al-Azhar University if the candidates successfully complete the studies. Travel expenses from India to Egypt are borne by the candidate. However the Government of India may also consider a request in this regard if the total annual income in the case of the candidates or his/her parent from all sources does not exceed Rs. 12,000/-
Note: Important General Conditions and contact address are same as mentioned on pages 35-37 respectively.