Commonwealth Scholarship enable for higher studies/research/specialized training in the subject mentioned below in the United Kingdom are offered to the Indian nationals. Fifty –five nominations are to be sent to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, out of those, twenty two are for one-year or two-year Master Degree course and thirty-three are for three year Ph.D .course.
Subject Fields:
a) Medicine: 1. Cancer Research (including Epidemiology), 2. Cardiology, 3. Gynecology, 4. Medicine and 5. Dentistry.
b) Engineering & Technology: 1. Computer Studies, 2. Electronics, 3. Environmental Studies, 4. Remote Sensing Technology, 5. Communication Engineering, 6.Biotechnology/Biochemical Engineering, and 7. Robotics (including Artificial Intelligence).
c) Science (Pure and Applied): 1. Mathematics, 2.Molecular Biology, 3. Physics, 4.Chemistry (including Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry).
d) Agriculture: 1. Animal Husbandry, 2. Agronomy and 3. Forestry.
e) Humanities and Social Sciences: 1. History, 2 .Sociology, 3.Management Studies, 4. Fine Arts (including Western Painting, Art History, Graphic and Sculpture), 5, Economics and 6, Philosophy.
Eligibility: The applicants are normally accepted from those who have graduate first degree Master’s programme within the last ten years. The candidates must have completed tertiary education in English Medium.
For Master’s Degree: One must have completed Bachelors Degree I one of the subject fields indicated above securing 55% or above marks in Humanities and Social Science group and 60% or above marks in Medicine, Engineering& Technology, Science and Agriculture group. Candidates should give one page academic justification for pursuing master Degree course in U.K.
Candidates who wish to undertake postgraduate study in Business and /or Management should, before applying for a Commonwealth Scholarship, have taken the Graduate management Admission Test (Princeton Test).Enquiries to G.M.A.T.Educational Testing Services, Box 966-R,Princeton, NJ 08541,U.S.A.Candidates for awards in Economics and related subjects should be aware that a number of departments may require them, before admission, to pass the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) of which details may be obtained from Graduate Record Examination (GRE) of which details may be obtained from Graduate Record Examination ,Educational Testing Service, Box 955,Princeton,NJ 08541,U.S.A Candidates in Art and Music should submit appropriate specimen work (slides, cassettes etc.) with their applications.)
Value of Award:
a) Student concessionary or other approved air fare to the United Kingdom by the most direct and economical route and return on expiry of the Scholarship (the cost of journeys made before receipt of awards would not normally be reimbursed , nor can fares be paid for a Scholar’s dependents);
b) Approved tuition and examination fees;
c) a personal maintenance allowance payable monthly;
d) A grant for books and apparatus I the first year of study and for a subsequent full also; and a grant towards the expenses of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable
e) A grant of expenses of approved travel within the U.K
f) An initial clothing grant for most scholars on first arrival from tropical developing countries;
g) Where a host institution has in advance declared and the Commission has accepted, the need or fieldwork outside the United Kingdom, a grant towards the cost of such fieldwork, which shall not normally exceed one economy or tourist class return fare to the fieldwork location. Scholars for whom field work fares are provided to their home country shall not be entitled to an mid-term fare home.
h) For married scholars selected by the Commission for awards exceeding 12 months, a marriage allowance per mensem is payable provided that the husband and wife are residing at the same address
in the United Kingdom. It is not paid when a husband or wife of the scholar is also in receipt of an award, or is in paid employment. For such married couples accompanied by their children a child allowance is payable ( at the rate of £34 per month each)for the first, second and third child under the age of 126, provided they are residing with their parents.
Note: Important General Conditions and contact address are same as mentioned on pages 35-37 respectively .Last date: October.