PhD in Social Sciences in JNU Delhi

JNU Delhi has invited application for higher studies in following courses
M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme is offered by the following Centres which have their curricular and research work organized on interdisciplinary basis with a focus on some major problems of study: Centres : Economic Studies and Planning ; Historical Studies; Political Studies; Regional Development (Geography, Economics and Population Studies); Social Systems (Sociology); Educational Studies (Psychology, Sociology, Economics and History of Education); Social Medicine and Community Health; Philosophy and Studies in Science Policy
MPH/Ph.D (Master of Public Health).
There will be a entrance test for the admission for above course, limited number of students are admitted directly for PhD and M.Phil programs. Direct admissions are on the basis of written test, interview .
Application form and Prospectus will be available by post from the following address
‘Section Officer (Admissions), Room No. 28,
Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067’,
Please send fee for application form, demand draft from nationalized bank (valid for six months) for Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of ‘Jawaharlal Nehru University’, payable at New Delhi, along with a self-addressed (unstamped) envelope of minimum size of 30 cms X 25 cms, clearly indicating the Category for which the Application Form is required on the self-addressed envelope. Those seeking Application Form and Prospectus from Nepal are required to send a Bank Draft of Indian Rs.400/- or equivalent in US Dollars

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