In civil service examination following are the current affairs and General science covered. Here it is mentioned what and all you have study in civil service examination (just an indicative )
Persons in news
sports and awards
national and international organisations
important statistical data
Important bills, treaties etc
broadly speaking, the coverage of current affairs is for last one.
Basic sources of studies
current events of national and international importance
The Hindu (news paper)
The Economic Times (news paper)
Frontline (magazine)
Down to earth (magazine)
Yojana (magazine)
Kurukshetra (magazine)
The Hindu has brought up a highly useful collection of national and international events in its supplement. It is a good source to recollect recent events. Further once must also consult
The Economic survey
India Year Book 2013
History : NCERT publications
Ancient India R S Sharma
Medivial India : Satish Chandra
Modern India - Bipan Chandra
B L grover Modern India
NCERT : India's Economic development
Misra and Puri : Indian economy
Economic survey 2012-13
Indian and world geography
All NCERT books and Geography
Goh Chech Leong certificate physical and human geography
Environment and ecology : NCERT publications on environment and ecology
General Science
NCERT publications specially its book on biology
GS Paper II
The syllabus of GS Paper II is made up of such areas that one can not go for areas of specific books as it will be a time consuming and complex exercise. One has to pick books which cover comprehension, mathematics, reasoning etc for different examinations such as GRE, GMAT, Bank PO Examination etc.
GS paper II is entirely based on self practice with lots of test papers and minimum of books . However, some reliable books are mentioned here for self practice of CSAT
Conceptual approach to CSAT paper II (P N Roy Chowdhury : parson publications)
Quantitative Aptitude - Dr RS Aggarwal (S. Chand pulications)
Verbal and non verbal reasoning : Dr RS Aggarwal (S. Chand pulications)
Persons in news
sports and awards
national and international organisations
important statistical data
Important bills, treaties etc
broadly speaking, the coverage of current affairs is for last one.
Basic sources of studies
current events of national and international importance
The Hindu (news paper)
The Economic Times (news paper)
Frontline (magazine)
Down to earth (magazine)
Yojana (magazine)
Kurukshetra (magazine)
The Hindu has brought up a highly useful collection of national and international events in its supplement. It is a good source to recollect recent events. Further once must also consult
The Economic survey
India Year Book 2013
History : NCERT publications
Ancient India R S Sharma
Medivial India : Satish Chandra
Modern India - Bipan Chandra
B L grover Modern India
NCERT : India's Economic development
Misra and Puri : Indian economy
Economic survey 2012-13
Indian and world geography
All NCERT books and Geography
Goh Chech Leong certificate physical and human geography
Environment and ecology : NCERT publications on environment and ecology
General Science
NCERT publications specially its book on biology
GS Paper II
The syllabus of GS Paper II is made up of such areas that one can not go for areas of specific books as it will be a time consuming and complex exercise. One has to pick books which cover comprehension, mathematics, reasoning etc for different examinations such as GRE, GMAT, Bank PO Examination etc.
GS paper II is entirely based on self practice with lots of test papers and minimum of books . However, some reliable books are mentioned here for self practice of CSAT
Conceptual approach to CSAT paper II (P N Roy Chowdhury : parson publications)
Quantitative Aptitude - Dr RS Aggarwal (S. Chand pulications)
Verbal and non verbal reasoning : Dr RS Aggarwal (S. Chand pulications)