Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabd invited application for part time PG courses. This university is one of the most popular university for higher study in engineering and technology.
Mtech in below subject
Civil engineering, electrica & electronics engineering, energy system, signal processing, computer science, remote sensing and GIS, biotechnology, Water and environmental technolgoy, enviormental management, mettalurgical managment, biopharma technolgy,
MSc in below subejcts
Organic chemistry, fiber optic and communication
University is providing MBA, MSc and Mtech Courses as part time.
Mtech in below subject
Civil engineering, electrica & electronics engineering, energy system, signal processing, computer science, remote sensing and GIS, biotechnology, Water and environmental technolgoy, enviormental management, mettalurgical managment, biopharma technolgy,
MSc in below subejcts
Organic chemistry, fiber optic and communication
MBA in below subjects
HR, Finance, Marketing, Systems
Application form
The filled in application along with all necessary documents and a crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) drawn (not earlier than 03.06.2016) in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNT UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD”, payable at Hyderabad, on any nationalised bank should reach the “Director, Admissions, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500085” on or before 20.06.2016 by 4.00 pm.
The filled in application along with all necessary documents and a crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) drawn (not earlier than 03.06.2016) in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNT UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD”, payable at Hyderabad, on any nationalised bank should reach the “Director, Admissions, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500085” on or before 20.06.2016 by 4.00 pm.